Golden Rose Mystery


Is here


to lovingly remind you of the infinite wisdom living within you


to share the beauty of unfolding feminine wisdom, and embodying the fullness of Her essence; so we may integrate Her gifts & radiate Her love


to cultivate & sustain this unified field of love for the highest good of all people & all life.



Aude is a practitioner of beauty and seeker of truth. Immersed in a life of devotion she has studied the arts of beauty and sensuality with mastersā€™ throughout the world. Her work is a synthesis of Tantric, Taoist, Shamanic and Gnostic teachings. Focusing on intimacy she specializes in embodiment and awakening of the Goddess within.

A trailblazer of finding beauty in all experiences, pleasure is her medicine. Her practice is to guide people into remembering their divine essence through the embodiment of a more delicious connection with themselves at every level. Allowing herself to be a channel for divine love, all her endeavors are a prayer, an offering to the Divine Mother.

Audeā€™s vision is to preserve ancient wisdom by creating pleasure temples to celebrate and honor the arts of the divine feminine, spaces where pleasure is revered as sacred medicine - a safe haven for students and devotees of beauty.

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We have been walking this earth carrying in our wombs codes of re-membrance.

As we open our hearts & dissolve into the knowing of our bodies as sacred vessels, alchemical chalices for union, catalysts for the re-collection of our essence; ancient wisdom re-awakens

As pilgrims, we walk upon this earth, seeding the lines which have always been pulsating with the codes of truth in the invisible & subtle realms.

Re-cognizing ourselves, we open the pathways.

Waves upon waves of bliss unfurling.

In celebration, weaving the golden thread of Earth.

The Sacred, Secret Mystical Trails of the Rose.